Da dadee iz doin’ better, but we haz some terrybull newz to report. Our wonderful Auntie Stinkie (she iz 18 & a big half yearz old) iz seriously ill.
Da momee & da dadee tooks her to da vet a week ago & dey ran all kindsez of testez, but nothing showed why she iz unabull to breeth through her nozie. No cold, no flu, no virus, but awful plugged coghin’ & hackin’ & cannots smellz.
Az you know, a blind cat mustee smellz to eats & find da way around da housy. She haz losted almost 2 poundsez evfun though she eats. Da vets checked her thyroid but it wazzn’t hyper.
Da momee & da dadee watched oevfur her, but she gotted worsy, so dey tooks her back to da vet yesterday. Da two vets (both furry nice men) spents abouts an hour checkin’ her. Dey couldz runall kindsez of more tests (like MRI & some other tubez down her nozie) but dey wouldz has to give her anesthesia… & dis would not be good.
Da nice vets tink it iz a bad cancer dat old kitties sometimez get. A tumor in her nasal passagez near her brain. But dey are not sure. Da momee & da dadee couldz not lets her go to da Rainbow Bridge without tryin’ one more ting: atibioticsez, in case it iz a infecshun.
If da antibioticsez don’t works, den da good, kind vet will comez to da house & helps our dearest Auntie Stinkie.
Da momee cannots gets to da bloggie fur awhile… but if she can & she iz not so much cryin’, she will lets me let you know what iz goin’ to takes place.
We iz so sorree to givez out such bad newz. All our frendz haz been so loyal to us & to our Auntie. But we promise dats da momee & da dadee willz not lets her suffer.