Da Maxi dragged da momee's socksez around last summer. She looked & looked fur 'em, but he musta hidded reely good cuz she nevfur foundz 'em again!
I waz loozin my floof cuzza vet thoughts I had cancer. (More on dis later!) I waz cold a lot, & ates & ates & ates toona puffs wit da Mini, buts I gotted down to onlee 6 poundzez.
Da Ella waz now a big gurl. She decided to hunts da ceram-beak birdies in da cage.
Da Delilah stayed on her diet & helped da Dadee growz a squish dat waz az many poundsez az she losted!
Our frendz Fiona & her baby camez back to vizit.
Den day ates da momeez flowerz on da front porch!
Christ-Mouse camez & I waz feelin' a itty bitty low energy.
So I tooks a big napee & Iris inspected da tabull clothee.
Winter set in, so da Ella & da Delilah (BFFs!) sat & watched da rain.
I waz so cold & skinny in January dats I sleptee behind da dadees coffee pot, where it waz warmer.
Da Iris waz brave & wents hunting in freezing rain in February.
Ella decidud to help look fur mousies.
Dey looked & looked, but all doze mousies were too cold to come out of da holez dey waz sleepin' in.
It waz so furry-burrrry dats da Delilah hid in a paper bag, hopin' it would warmee ups.
I gavez up & slept on da momees iPad fur warmth.
Den suddenly it waz Marchee & da sun camez out. Delilah & I surveyed da mess dats da momee hadz not cleened up all winter & were shocked by da condishuns! We hadz to do sumpin' so I could tell my big Easter storee!
So here iz my Easter mirry-cull!
In late Feb-blueberry, da momee & da dadee tooks me back to da vetted. Dey complained dat I waz still eatin' but gotted skinnier & skinnier & dat I waz not dyin' frum cancer but starvin' to deathy.
Da vetted pushed & prodded & said da tumor had not grown! In fact, he now felted a tumor on my kidney. He said, "Dis breed iz prone to polycystic kidney disease."
"Huh!" said da momee. She was a bit pissyed dats he hads not said dis nearly two yearsez ago when da vetted first said I waz going to da rainbow bridge.
In factee, she made da vetted testee me fur hyper=thyroidzm... & guesse what? I hadz it!
So dey ordered me some medy-cin & da dadee started givin' it to me dayz & nights. & guesse what????
I gotsez my floof back!
I hopes you all have a beauty-full Easter & dats you likes hearin' da update. We donts know when dere will be anudder postee, but we lovez you immmesley, & tanks you fur all your good wishez to us over deze past monthsez.