Okeedokee. I yam tryin' furry hard to understand da momee & how she haz been lately. She comez home from workee & sez, "Hey Tweet, shall we vizit your frendz tonight?" But den she goez away & criez into her pillow. I know she wants to helps me wit da bloggie, but I yam bein' az pashunt az I can. Az evvy-danced by da pix below, one can see dat I yam suck-ceeedin.'
Here I yam showin' her dat I yam sick of D-I-E-T kibbullz. Dis iz what da momee & dadee has to feedz Delilah 'cuz SHE gots too fat!
Speakin' of Delilah, da V-E-T tinks she haz eppa-leprosy, but dey still iz not sure. She gots tested & mebbe it waz some poisinon' from a azalea flowerz dat da momee had puts on da kitsh-hen tabull... not knowin' any better. But no one knowz.
Now Delilah iz gonna has to take some meddy-sin fur see-surez if she haz anudder one likes she did dis lastee Sat-turd-day. Dis iz why da momee iz cryin'. She lostee her frend Elly & on top of all of dis stuffy wit Delilah.
Speakin' of Delilah, da V-E-T tinks she haz eppa-leprosy, but dey still iz not sure. She gots tested & mebbe it waz some poisinon' from a azalea flowerz dat da momee had puts on da kitsh-hen tabull... not knowin' any better. But no one knowz.
Now Delilah iz gonna has to take some meddy-sin fur see-surez if she haz anudder one likes she did dis lastee Sat-turd-day. Dis iz why da momee iz cryin'. She lostee her frend Elly & on top of all of dis stuffy wit Delilah.
Here I yam lookin up in da sky fur angelz to come & reskew me. I yam purrin' fur some real foodz like da momee used to make. Mebbe some roastie chix-hen? She iz evfun starvin' da poor dadee 'cuz she iz feelin' so deep-pressed.
Here I yam showin' how peeved I yam. I evfun gots an awardee from Henry Helton & I hazn't been abull to go gets it. Justee wait Henry, I will be dere soon.
Actushually, I yam really kinda sad. Mebbe da momee will not evfur lets me bloggie again. & I haz had dis wonder-full outpourin' from frendz old & new & no way to thank dem.
Let me justee say dat we will come by your placez to see what iz happenin' & mebbe in a week or so, da momee will start to dry her eyez & be abull to helps me.
Okeedokee. I will be better to her den. I will nots peez on da blanket or her purse. I will not bites her hand when she fillz da bowl wit D-I-E-T foodz. At leastee I will try.
Let me justee say dat we will come by your placez to see what iz happenin' & mebbe in a week or so, da momee will start to dry her eyez & be abull to helps me.
Okeedokee. I will be better to her den. I will nots peez on da blanket or her purse. I will not bites her hand when she fillz da bowl wit D-I-E-T foodz. At leastee I will try.