Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh no... not agin!

Dear frendzez, I yam afraidz dat I has to takes a break frum bloggyin.'

Dis iz not what I wants to do... but da momeee here haz run into work tingz dats will takes up all her time fur da next two weeksez. & den she will go awayz fur two dayz & den she will comez home to many many many chorez.

I yam so frustrated & feelz furry bad dats I cannot be here doin' whats I lovez to do.

Will you pleeze not forgets me? I can'ts makes any promisez, but We are hopin' to be bax on line in two weeksez.

Delilah gotted in some trubbull fur uzin' da keyboard whenz she spilled some sardine juice on da keyzez. So our plan to do da blog witout da momee didz not work.

Tank you fur bein' such wunderful palz... & we will comez & see what iz happenin' & hope to pix up da awardz dat you haz leftee fur us.

We justee aren't doin' tingz right oevfur here & so we iz deeply sorree.

I lovez you all.
-Dr Tweety

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Iris iz a gorgeous babe!

Dr Tweety: "I thought dats since da Vally-tinez Day waz comin', dats now wouldz be a good time fur singull boy cats to see how beeotyfull my sissie Iris iz, as evy-danced by da pix bee-low."

"You can biggify da pix to see her glistenin' furz & speshull whiskerz close up."

"Now I kinda feel likes dis mights be Iris' year to find L-O-V-E.
Justee looks at dat beauty mark & doze pink pawz & her svelte figgure. Iris is a catch!

Da momee may be too bizzy to blog, but I yam payin' Delilah wit kibullz to types a few wordz here. Missy D, are you keepin' up wit my wordzez?

Delilah: "Of course I am Uncle Tweety. That old keyboarding book of Mommy's really has come in handy! Now if I can just click the shutter on the camera, I think we have it made."

Dr Tweety: "Missy D, don't lets dis goez to your head honey. We still haz a lotta catchin' ups to doez... & I don'ts tink dat da momee iz gonna co-operate.

Of coursee we can alwayz go & see our frendz. We mights not gets all our commints in, but we can see what dey iz up to."

Delilah: "Oh goodie! Are going to go and see Momo in Australia and Eric and Flynn in the UK and all our friends across the good 'ol US of A?"

Dr Tweety: "Abskull-lootley my dear, dat iz why dey invented da telly-porter."

Iris: "Um, could I please get in a word? Did I give permission for you and Delilah to place a personal ad on this Web site????"

Dr Tweety: "Oooopsie! Da jig iz up Missy D!!! Run!"

Celly-bratin life in Orry-gone