Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Time for ack-shun!

Dr Tweety: "Okeedokee. Dis hi-eightus iz becomin' quite annoyin' don't you tink Auntie Stinkie? I mean, what iz da momee here up to dats she cannot evfun takes one minuet to say how we are doin'. It iz comp-legally wrong!"

Auntie Stinkie: "Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore. At 17, I can't be moved to distraction, even by Mommy's desertion to the garden. Maybe we should let Maxi figure out a solution. Maxi? Can you help us out dear?"

Maximimillian: "You know what ... I am giving this some true thought Auntie Stinkie. If Tweet says he is retired, I am going to figure something out. The more nip flavored coffee I sip, the more clear my thoughts become."

Maximillian: (((Mutter mutter))) "Now what the devil did I do with that number to the Cat Bloggosphere? Ah! Here it is: 1-800-C-A-T-B-L-O-G! Wahoo! We're in business guys!"

Maximillian: "Um yes... is the CB operator? I would like to lodge a formal complaint about the lack of help from our typist (also known as Mommy!)."

Auntie Stinkie: "Make sure you tell them about how she is almost never cooks any good food. Just vegetarian things from the garden! I want my EGGS! I want my chicken! I want my steak!"

Maximillian: "You bet your yolks I'm gonna tell them. At least the folks on the CB care about us even if Mommy doesn't."

Maximillian: "I am getting depressed thinking about all of the awards we got, and Mommy has lost track of. Cats just think we're a bunch of slackers."

Dr Tweety: "See? Whaddid I tellz you??? It's all fallin' apart faster den you can sayz Holy (HIC) Yarnballz!"

Maximillian: "Well I am going to go see the head honcho at the CB in person. If Mommy thinks we can get by without her fingers... she has another thought coming. I wonder what she'll say when 20,000 cats show up on our porch!"

Auntie Stinkie: "It's about time some cat around here took action! I'm just glad Maxi is recovered enough to make the long journey to the CB headquarters. (Is that in Indiana???) Can you bring back some corn fed beef on your way back home dear?"


The Creek Cats said...

LOL!! Our mom is a huge slacker in the kitchen. She only makes vegetarian things too, except when out dad complains and says he needs real food. We likes when he does that cause then we get some nibbles of whatever he is eating.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We're ready to show up on your porch. We'll bring our protest banners too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, yeah! We're packing our bags in case we need to make the long trek. We'll have to get a human sitter for Jan, someone to walk her and make sure she eats her veggies, instead of just nibbling junk food at the computer. But we'll be there if you need us.

Daisy said...

I agree, it is definitely time to take action. I will start preparing my signs and placards.

MeezerMom said...

we's getting all packed up too - we's ready for mommy whapping service

Tiger Lily said...

We are all ready to show up on your doorstep! We know how you feel 'cuz it took so long for Mom to get the new blog up and running so call on us any time you need help.

prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

The Island Cats said...

You gotta show that mom who's boss! She's gotta unnerstand that you gotta visit your furiends!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, being ignored by da mom and not getting good foods is totally against cat law. We'z packing up and will be ready to show up on yoor porch at a moments notice.

Anonymous said...

It's good Max is there to help.We have closed our blog cause mom says she busy.I do miss all my friend though so maybe one day who knows...
Well gotta go hugs to you all :)

The Crew said...

Desperate times require desperate measures. We'll stand shoulder to shoulder, or should I say nose to tail, with you all!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

At your service, Dr T!!!!! I am all for picketting the mom and make sure she does what is right for you. We kitties have to stick together and support each other for just causes.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Good reaction ta bein ig-nored guys! Keep up the good demands fer attention...

Celly-bratin life in Orry-gone