Ariel made us dis gorge-us cake!!!!
I yam sooo happee!!! We iz gonna haz fun fur sure. Come on in & I yam gonna tellz you why da Dia de la Muertos iz such a beeotyfull ting:
Firstee, az in da pic above, we honorz all doze dat haz come bee-fore. I yam honorin' da momeez Uncle Riley, Auntie Ginger, best friend Elly, all-time frendz Tommy & Mike, & all of da bee-ootyfull animalz dat haz come bee-fore, in dis housee & da other houseez across Amery-cuh.
We gets to cleanz up da placez where we haz laid dem to restee & we gets to lights da candullz & purr fur dere soulz to be at peace.
Da Virgin Mary pree-sidez oevfur all.
& den when we haz come back frum our purrz, we gets to celly-brate!!~! We iz evfun havin' moo-zik today... justee looks at dat tally-tented skelly-ton!
Now, fur one of da benny-fits of Dia de la Muertos: PICKNIX!!!
I broughts along 976 chix-hen legz dat iz barby-cued wit my speshul sauce.
& fur da meezer frendz attenden, dere iz a 567 pound ham!
Diz iz a great way to celly-brate my furst bloggoversarry... although, I has to say, da momee sure messed uppee! She nee-glected us & YOU, all summer! Ptooey: dubble hairballzez!
Okeedokee: House treashin' time!!!!
Dr. Tweety - this is sooooo wonderful that you are having a Dias de la Muertos party for you first blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary! May there be many more!
And are we the first guests? Awesome - I think this is the first time we are the firsts - which means we get the first choice of the wownderful food, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA!
We brought along Dom Niptognon for all!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl
Your altars for the ones that came before are beautiful! Our Anastasia and Emil are with us today in spirit!
Hi guyz!!!!! (& Missuz OZ!!!!) Hooray!! Grab some grub!!
Happy Blogoversary and Dias de la Muertos! Looks like a really fun party.
Hi Catsynth!!!! We iz soo happee to see you! Haz a niptini!
Hey, that sounds like a great party! Before I came to live with my human she stayed some months in Mexico and she says the Día de los Muertos is real fun! I just tasted some of the chicken legs, the salsa is delicious...mmmh.
Congratulations to your first Blogoversary!
Purrs, Siena
Nice to meets you! Gladz you stopped in. We hope to raize da roof oevfur here. Dat iz da leastee we can doez!
This barbecue chicken is to die for, your special sauce is pawsome. We brought some Pan de Muerto with us, when Mommy wasn't looking we substituted catmint for the anise seed.
We are remembering Whiskers today and our Great-Grandma Agnes.
Thanks for inviting us this is a wonderful party. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Welcom Socks,Scylla & Charybdis!!!! Yummy pan of stuffee you got dere. (Gobble, snarf, burpp!)
Happy Blogoversary and Dias de la Muertos.The food looks delicious and I made some catnip tea(Hug).
Whoohoo! Par-tay! That chicken looks dee-lish!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. Happy blogoversary! And we remember those that came before us...
Ariel!!!! Island catsez!!!! Welcome... da other five iz wanderin' abouts & da Auntie Stinkie iz on da comfy chair, listenin' to da noise!
Tank you Ariel!!!
Auntie Stinkie: Ariel my dear, thank you for remebering me. I love ham, and I adore your catnip tea. I am so delighted you could make it.
I'm gonna have some ham and then I'm going to sit with Aunt Stinke.
Sorry for the delete mom's a bad Secretary.
I wouldn't miss this I love you all and I also made you something on my blog.
Auntie Stinkie: It's a good day to snuggle in this chair Ariel. It's raining dogs out there, and the fir is crackling, and we are in for a fun time. Dr Tweety says that he has a surprise in the oven. I think I might smell tuna souffle!
Dr.Tweety is such a wonderful cook and I don't mind bad weather when I surrounded by my sweet friends.
We justee saw da beootyfull cake you made & we are gonna triez to tellyports it back to da blog. Hang on!
Auntie Stinkie...Mickey and I are here! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY to all of you wonderfur friends!!! So good to have you back after your busy summer. A blessed way to start the quiet season for sure. We love this time of year as we have more time to spend with our friends too. Now lets say a prayer for those who went before and have some of that great foods you made for us. Then I am off to the tea parlor to put my pawinkie up as I drink! YEAH lets parteeeeee...
Oh I will be back later tonight also...
I so glad you like it aren't the flowers cute.
Miss Peachy!!! Mickey!!!! Oh we iz so happee to seez you. Here: takes a BIG dawgie bag, I haz more in da oevfun!
Auntie Stinkie: Dear friends,
Have a lovely cup of nip tea before you go. We will hope to see you later. I adore you both.
We dragzed it back I tink da colurz make da bloggie pop! (Dat iz da kind of ting dey say on da deco-rator showz.)
WHEE!!!! Alla us Ballicai are here! Happy Blogoversary and what a fabyoolus pawtay you've got goin here! We're gonna stay and pawtay with you all day. I've broughted some Coffee Stirrurs fur efurrykitty to play with.
Whoopee! We finally make it to your party. We are so excited to have you back.
Happy belated blogoversary!
Jan made us a big platter of salmon patties, but Buddy and Sam filched a few on the way over here. We heard your chicken and salsa is yummy! And we've just got to have some of that giant ham. If the Meezers left any.
Thanks so much for inviting us. We posted an arrow pointing here so newcomers won't get lost.
I'll be back in awhile my typist has to go to the store.
Ariel! Hiya, Sweetiepie! Let's make some pawtay time fur a slow dancie and lotsa snuggles!
Happy Blogoversary, Fab Five! We Ballicai bring our love and friendship and lots and lots of TUNA!
Happy Blogoversary, my dears! I have brought tuna puffs for everykitty and my special CATmomile tea. This is a wonderful party!
Jan & farm: YUMMO!!!! S-A-l-m.. oh what da heck, justee lets me at it!!!!
Mao!!!! Hooray!!! Where didz da Ariel go to? Oh, you snuck out fur a kissy!
Happy Blogoversary, Fab Five! What a wonderful day! I have brought primo catnip for everykitty to roll around in! Love and cuddles to all of you!
Brainball!!!! Marilyn!!! Tuna & drinky-pooz!!! What a great time.
Happy Blogoversary Dr Tweety! Lovely party and the foods are great!
Dorydoo!!!! We haz missed you!!!! Primo nip!!! I tink we justee raized da roof anudder notch!
Derby!!!! Da momeez eyez are gettin' reddy to leak & mine too. We haz so missed all our frendz. We lovez you. Welcome. Wouldz you like a leg or a slice o ham?
Oh, we just saw Ariel's cake. It looks so tasty. We hope it doesn't have much sugar in it, though. Sam and Buddy tend to get a little hyper when they eat too much sugar.
We're going to go have a piece -- hear that, guys? -- one piece of Ariel's cake.
No, Buddy, not one layer. One piece!
Buddy!!!! Careful bro, dat blue icin' haz some super-duper peanut buttery tasteez.. so da roof of your mouth mights be in danger!
Happy blogoversary! You look like you having a good party there!
Hi Diamond-emerald eyes!!!! Welcome!!!
Happy Bloggoversary, Dr. Tweety! You had us a chick-hen!
Gandalf!!! Grayson!!!! Welcome. It feelz so good to see you. Didz you wants two chix-henz????
I'm back and Mao I would love dance and snuggle.Mom sent over some temptations everyone help yourselves.
Tem-tashunz!!! Can we throwz dem in da air & catchez dem in our moufs???
Mom says if there's any ham left I should bring her some.Yet I think cause it's so delicious it will be all gone.She wanted to come yet I said no humans were
Of course what better way is there to eat them.
Tell your momee dat I banished da momee here to her bedroom. I locked da door & told her she hadz to type evryting dhe heard goin' on downstairz. But I haz a BIG secret. I put an extra 498 pound ham in da second oevfun, so dere should be enuff fur your momee too!
What a great looking spread for your party! I think after I eat you will be pounds lighter in the food department.
I wanted to let you also know how nice it is to remember those that went to the bridge. They will always hold a place close to us in our hearts. We are never the same after one has left.
Great party, thanks so much for inviting me!!!!!!
Sassy!!!!! Welcome dear pal. Pleeze, let's bring on some more tuna puffs!!!!
Happy Blogoversary! I have lighted a candle, and now I am ready to party! You sure have some yummilicious foods. Thanks for inviting us to celebrate with you. I hope Harley will behave himself. He is still learning things.
Hi Daisy and Harley(hug).
Daisy!!!! Harley!!! I waz justee in Flory-dah leavin a note at your place!
tank you fur your help. Da momee waz trying to leave some commints at catz I hazn't vizited to inbetween. I yam glad you were here to help!!!
What a wonderful party on such a special day! Happy Blogoversary! I brought along some niptinis, and my sisters are ready to dance!
Purrs to you all!
Tybalt, Holly, and Ivy
Tybalt!!! Holly!!! Ivy!!! Welcome!!! Lets dance da hat dance!!! Love yer mask!!!
Harley just took 37 of the chick-hen legs! I told him to put them all back, except for two of them. I am very sorry. He needs to learn some manners!
Don't worry Daisy, I yam sure dat da Auntie Stinkie whapped him az he ran by. She haz a good sense of deck-core-um! But I acshoelly puts 1,878 legz in rezerve.
Lol...Harley sure is funny and loves chicken I see .
Harley iz so lucky to haz Daisy fur a sister. She will help in da big world to gain wizdom.
"Yes" I agree she's great.Having sibling's can be difficult yet being an only kitty gets lonely sometimes.
Oh Ariel,
I hopes you don't get lonely. I used to be an abandoned lonely kittee. Da momee here sed she would nevfur haz more den one cat. Ha! Look what happened! But our momeez & dadeez has to able to take care of us, wit food & meddycull care. So I bet your momee iz da bestee momee cuz she wants only da bestee fur you. & now you haz da Mao fur a hubby! Wahoo!
"No" I'm not lonely I have you and all my blogging friends.
Woo hoo!
::runs and smooches Dr. Tweety:: What a great job!
Mini!!!!! I waz justee oevfur at your place & chexhin up on yer momee!!! Another kissy dear? (Smacks a big one on da Mini's nose.)
I justee went to JB's housee. Tings could be worse fur us. He justee got a D-A-W-G fur a brudder!!!
"Wow" that is something I must go see.I'll be back....
Ariel, the catnip tea is wonderful. If you don't mind we shall take some back to our Mommy. We are sure it will cure her sore throat.
Ham, we love ham..........gotta make some room for it. Don't worry Daisy, there is no way Harley can eat more then Scylla. She is a pig (I am NOT!!!!).
Glad you enjoyed the Pan de Muerto Dr. Tweety. Mommy said you are suppose to have it at Day of the Dead parties, but we were not sure why anyone would want Dead Bread. It did taste good though with the catnip added.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Hey, what's wrong with JB getting a dawg for a brother? We got dawgs for brothers too. They can be quite nice and helpful. JFF wouldn't be the same without them. Just don't leave your food bowl unattended.
S, S, & C: I tink da "dead bread" had a twang to it, so it mustee haz been da nip fur sure. Auntie Stinkie iz a big fan of carbz.
He is very cute though.Hi Alasandra
thank you and let me put some tea in a big cup for your mom.
Oooopsie. Jan, I yam sorry. It's true, I hadz to oevfur come my fear of dawgz. I ackshoeely do haz you & other dawg frendzez, like Asta & Titus & otherz. I wil triez to oevfur come my fearzez of da uinknown.
There's nothing wrong with dawgs I love them as long as they don't try to steal my mom away.
Alasandra, We sure hopesez your throat gets soothed soon.
Momee has to go uze da human kitty box fur a minute. So i yam lettin' her outta da locked room. Shez been in dere fur two hourz. but she will be right back. She better!!! Shez gotted two more hourz of make-up typin' to do!!!
And ackshoeely, da momee here LOVEZ dawgzez. She haz had stellar dawgz in her lifetime. It's justee me dat has to gets oevfur my pho-bee-ah.
Oh, your poor mom, Dr T. Locked in there for 4 hours. She must have really misbehaved.
We're glad you are willing to work on your fear of unknown dawgs, Dr T.
And Ariel, we don't think any dawg could steal your mom away from you.
Mmmmm. Have we mentioned how good this food is? Buddy and Sam are on their best behavior. Except for Buddy wanting a whole layer of Ariel's cake. They are chewing their food instead of swallowing it whole.
Buddy, you have a bit of mouse gravy dripping down your chin.
I yam back!!! Yes, da momee waz furry bad dezertin' me all summer.
Mousee gravee iz meant fur drippin' down chinzez. & ifs you haz a dubble chinzez, so muchee da better. BTW: dere iz lots of butter in dat gravee. I tinks I puts in at leastee11 poundz of butter.
We checked in with Mommy and we are happy to report her throat is better.
Dr. Tweety, we are hoping to get a doggie soon. Daddy has to build us a fence first. There are so many doggies that need homes, we hope we can help at least one.
We wonder if we could talk Mommy into making mouse gravy it is yummy to our tummies. ~S,S & C
Oh, we forgot we are suppose to thank you for asking after our Mommy. We are so over come with the abundance of delicious food we are forgetting our manners. ~S,S & C
I've got to go mom said.She's no fun I think she's jealous.Thanks for the doggie bag for mom.I had a great time...Hugs Ariel
S,S, & C: Ifda momee here did not haz to be gone frum da housee fur 67 swillion hourzez a week fur her jobbee, I tink we would have gotted a dawg. But she iz lookin' furward to da day she retirez (which may be nevfur wit da economy) when she can haz a puppee to train right.
Glad you liked da gravee, & good at you fur lookin' after yer mum!
Ariel!!!! We lovez you & your momee furry much. Tell her nots to jello-us! We wouoldn't haz yu fur a frend if she didn't type fur you.
Dr T
Puppies are a lot of work we hear. Mommy was hoping for an older well trained doggie that likes cats. Daddy (who will be safely at work) wants a puppy for Mommy to train. He thinks us cats would like a puppy better. We are undecided. Youngest boy bean wants a giant dog and Mommy was thinking something small. But we is waiting on a fence.................. We may be waiting a long time cause of the economy.
We hope your Mommy gets to retire and have a puppy when she wants too. It is rather frightening though isn't it? We are looking forward to it and are slightly anxious about it all at the same time. We just hope everybody gets along. ~S,S & C
Mom is a slow typist Dr T, but I'll help you with the party (and with the food of course) ::smooches Dr Tweety on the nose::
~~ da Mini
Well sweetie pie, I yam glad yer momee lets you come back fur a bit. No worriez. I hopes your momee iz feelin' better today. Tell her if she replied to our email from lastee wekk, dat dat was da momeez here wwork email, so momee didn't get it on late Friday OR dis weekend. ??? Momee sure haz some con-vo-fluted messagez doesn't she???? Oh well. Back to drinkin, burpin, & kissin."!!!!
oh, doc tweety--we is so glad you is back inna blogosphere!!! what a wunnerful way to cellybrate your return--wif alla ofurr returnees!
you has put on a fiesta that delights efurryone, transparent an' real--thank you so much for viting us. those chick-hen legs is callin' us, an' we're gonna answer.
thanks again, an' WELCOME BACK!
Cotton: Uh, Dr. Tweety, Sam and Buddy just finished off an entire plate of braised squabs in mouse gravy. We hope they left some for your other guests.
Cameron: Jan sais we have to be home for dinner. **burp**
Percy: I don't think we need dinner tonight. I'm stuffed.
Buddy: Stuffed? Is there something here stuffed? Where? We missed it.
Sam: Over here, Buddy. It's the ham cross-ants.
Cyndi: Dr T, we really should be going now. Jan said we shouldn't overstay our welcome. And if Sam & Buddy stay any longer, you'll be out of food and we won't be welcome back next time.
Buddy: **burrrrrrp** Sorry about that. We don't mean to eat all your food. Jan just doesn't cook like this.
Sam: And she MEASURES out our portions. So when we see limitless food .....
Crystal: We have really enjoyed your party. We're looking forward to seeing you more often, now that it's too cold for your mom to grow greens.
JFF: Thanks for inviting us, Dr T.
Happy blogoversary (belated) and Dias de la Muertos. Before we party and dig into the foods, we pay our respects and remember those who have gone before us, both humans and furries.
The, we PARTY!!! Woohoooooooo, yummy FOODS and my favourite CHICKENX!
Hi efurryone!!!
Jan et al,
Tank you all fur bein' a part of da partee!!!! See you soon,
Dr T
Meowrz: Hooray!!! You made it in time!!! Lot's more foodz comin' ouuta da oevfun. I tink Percy didz leaf some sqwabz.
Momo sweetie!!! Are you awake??? Iz it midnighty oevfur dere??? Can SS see da screen??? Or are you typin dis wit your own pawz?
What a great party this is! Happy first blogoversary and Day of the dead!!!!
Chey & Gemini!!! Good to see you both. I yam so happy to finally gets to vizit some. I haz missed readin' your furry wry blog. Onlee read on da wekkendz & da momee nevfur let me commint, evfun though I whapped her a few timez.
Haz some ham.
Hi Dr T, it's 8.30am and my SS is awake enough to type for me!!! I would have come earlier if I could type with my paws, but they are altogether too big for the silly keyboard.
Oooo, Dr. Tweety, what a wonderful tradition and party. Happy Bloggoversary!
The food looks so yummy. I'm a ham fan, Woo Hoo!
Hugs, Gretchen
Hi Gretchen,
Be sure & wrap some ham up fur your momee, so she haz sumpin' to eats after her surgery!!!
We had DAylight Savin'z Time today. wish I could save da day furevfur, it's been so much fun! Do you want some eggz wit dat ham for brekkie?
Happy Blogiversary! An' I like yur party eats. Yum!
Hi Catzee!!!!! So glad to see you. We missed all our frendz soo much. Eats az much az you like & I haz some kitty bagz fur take home midnite snax!
MoMo, My love I have been waiting with baited breath for you to arrive. ~Socks
All right Momo & Socks, justee watch it in front of doze kittenz!!! I haz a romance room where kitteez can cuddle & kissy. (Points in the direction of the Romance Room.)
Hi, my Prince Sockie-Pooh! I ahve been sitting by the computer waiting for SS to get up and finish her chores so that I can come to the party.
Yummy breakfast!!! Much better than the normal cat food although today I am sharing breakfast with SS, so ham and cheese are on the menu.
Let's head to the R room. How thoughtful of Dr T!!!
Hi everyone!!!!!
We missed you all!!
I have been hunting all day and have brought you the best mice around for miles. It's the least I could do!
What a spread you have here. I am pretty hungry from all that hunting.
Nom, nom, nom....
Purrs Goldie
The Romance Room sounds purrfect for us (taking MoMo's hand), Thanks Dr. Tweety, you thought of everything. ~Socks
Goldie!!! Oh doze mousiez looks loverly. Tank you so much. I tink we haz enuff gravy left to go oevfur dem.
We will leave Socks at the party so he can romance MoMo, but we are going to head home for a bit. The Rents are fixing the hot water heater, that is refusing to drain and not spitting out how water as it should and they need our help. The typist is beside herself. ~Scylla & Charybdis (hope to be back soon)
Thank you for the invitation today. Mommy has been slacking, so I WHAPPED HER and told her to let me come to your party NOW!
Happy Blogoversary to all of you. I am so happy to be here to celebrate your blogoversary, and also remember all of those who came before. Today I will remember Mommy's cat who came before and Stitch. They were both wonderful companions to me.
S,S, & C: Tell your momee to not get too worried. Hopefully evfurry ting will be OK. I yam so glad you can stay wit Momo.
I has to go purrty soon my self. Da typist iz worn to a frazzul!!
Sunny!!!!! Glad you couldz make it. Dere iz lots of food left...
Oops, that was me, Rascal. Mommy cannot send all of us to a party as those other 2 do not get along with me. Well, that's what she says. I think Mommy's afraid of being embarrassed when Fat Boy eats all of the food. HaHaHa!
No, sorry, Dr. Tweety. No Sunny today :-D
Evfurryone: PLEEZE STAY & continue to partee. DA momee haz been typin' fur four hourz straight, so I yam takin' pity on her & unlockin' da office door.
We will justee haz fun on our own.. & I will gets da momee to do my bloggie once a week now. Wahooooo!!!
Partee hardee!!!!
I yam so happy, we iz gonna do justee fine.
Speaking of food, I think I will start with the squabbies with mousie gravy. I have never had mousies before.
Dat iz fine. Didz you bring your new stuffed toy???
Rascal, you will get hooked on mousiez!!!!
Coming back for for BBQ Chicken, if I eat any more you will hear me clucking, ha, ha, ha.
I think Momo is on her way too. So I will grab some chicken for her too.
This is the best party every! Too much fun and too much delicious food!!!!
Allright frendz, I gotta say goodbye to da momee. But we will keep on wit da eatin', burpin', runnin' up & down & up & down da stairzez, poopin' in da cornerz, eatin' some more, drinkin' da nip, rollin' in da nip, & watchin' da happy kitteez who are kissin' each otherz noserz.
Happy Dia de la Muertos to all!!!
Hi Sassy, nice seeing you here. What fun. Love this time of the year when there are so many parties about.
Have a good rest, Dr T! Thanks ++++ for a wonderful party. I will stay a while and chat with my sissy Sassy and spend some time with Sockie-Pooh. Of course there is the lovely foods!!!!!
Yippee!! This is a great party Dr. Tweety!! Your BBQ Chicken is the bestest we have ever tasted!! That is so cool the Celebrating of those who have gone before us!!
Your FL furiends,
Oh my!! Happy Blogoversary, too!!
Samantha & Tigger
HAPPY 2nd BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!! Even if it is belated ;) Look at all the cool cats here! This is quite a party!!!! WOW!!
I am so happy you are back blogging :) I am so happy to know you and your family :)
Look at this yummy food too!! Nom,nom,nom,nom!!! burrrp,oops ;)
Must mingle to see who else is here!!
Where did I leave my sweet Miss Peach?
Purrs Mickey
Thank you so much fow inviting me ..this is a faboolous pawty..the chicken is exquisite..I love seeing evewyone..I have to go get a dwink and then pawhaps we could all dance
smoochie kisses
I sent ovew some mowe food..not that you need it, but i got inspiwed by all the lucious things you ghad to make some mowe..Happy belated blogovewsawawy!!
Kisses fow youw mommi's tiwed fingews..tell hew to put fwozen peas on it, hehehehe
I love celebwating all the fwiends and loved ones who awe looking down on us fwom heave
smoochie kissses
is there any ham left? OH yep, there's a LOT of ham. WOOO HOOO!!! - Miles
Thank you for inviting us Dr Tweety - oooooooo niptini! - Sammy
Thanks again for inviting me to your wonderful party! I had a great time. I have to get home now before I am missed. Keep in touch, see you soon!!!!
WOW - the party is still going!!!! And Asta brought more food and this is the most wonderful party! Let's DANCE!!!!
What a super-duper party you guys! And happiest of happy blogaversaries!!! We brought some extra nip, incase we run out :-)
I hope we are not too late to party a bit.
Mommie and Daddie both have terrible colds, either from KC or from worrying about her. They took lots of medicine and just got up a few minutes ago! KC stayed home, too.
But the five of us are here.
A very happy Blogoversary to you. We brought catnip ice cream and tuna ice cream. Yum.
Love and Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
This is a very good and wonderful party~!!!!
Happy Blogoversary~!!!!
Happy blogoversary, Dr Tweety! It's such an honour to remember all the ones who've come before us in such a fun way... and with chicken too! Nom nom nom nom nom *slurp* nom nom nom...
Happy Blogiversary, this was a great party. Thank you so much for inviting us. We will help you clean up before we leave. Bye everyone. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
We are ever so late but had to stop by and wish you a Happy Blogoversary, indeed!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I was there with you, so I hope you saw me! My mom could not get our computer mouse working so I could not comment! We got more batteries now so here I am to let you know what a super pawty it was! Glad you are back!
Oh, that mousie gravy was so delicious and we hope that you had a Happy Dia de la Muertos! China Cat & I are remembering all that came before also. Thanks for inviting us to your party and we look forward to seeing more of you, indeed!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow and China Cat
Am I too late? Is everyone gone? Are there any leftovers? Sorry I missed the party, but I was hoping there might be some folks still here... Can I help you clean up?
Hi Opus, we stuck around to help clean up and took a nap so we are still hanging around. There are tons of left overs, you can teleport over to our house with us and we will snack on them. We can picnic down at the butterfly garden. It is nice and sunny there today and a warm 78 degrees F.
~S,S & C
Oh my goodness! All of this ham, and Chick-Hen and celebrating the ones who came before! Par-Tay!
Luf, Us
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