Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sat-ter-day iz hard to take!

Ok-ee-do-kee. Here I yam, just en-joyin' da Sat-er-day by layin' purple-dicular in my favo-rite chair... when all of a sudden.......... You guessed it! Da momee comez along & sticks dat cam-ruh in my face!

Da only reazon-abull ting to do iz bitey da strap & pull it outta her hand!
Den, if she rezists stoppin' da photo shoot, I just sticks my tongue out at her. Okay, I know dis iz bad of me, but what else can a cat do under deze de-plor-a-bull circum-dances? After all, not a treat-payment in sight!


Gemini said...

Oh it looks like you got her. I hate it when I am snoozing and the flashy thing comes by.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You did good putting the bitey on that strap!
They never learn!

Leslie said...

G'day! Thanks for visitin' Australia. You're all pretty! - from Tigger the FBI cat, sneakin' in here under Pyewacket's log in.

MaoMao said...

hehehe, Dr. Tweety! You're gettin' yur pickshure took so much because you are so adorabble -- Momma sez she wants to pick you up and snuggle you and give you a big kissie!

So cute of you lickin' yur lippies -- and yur nose!

You know what, I attack the kamera bag strappie, too! And when Momma wakes me up by takin' a pickshure of me, I eithur keep my eyes closed or I start movin' so fast I'm a blur!

I hope youkitties are havin a great weekend -- Momma's workin on her novel, but I gotted a purretty new purple kollar and Momma's gonna help me do a Meezer Mancat postie about it fur Monday! I can't wait!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai!

Katie said...

OOh you put da bitey on the strap! That is a traditional defense mechanism against the flashy box, and looks like you won! :D

Tiger Lily said...

Good for you! You won that round I think. They never stop with the picture taking tho' Dr. Tweety.

Kitikata-san said...

Less photos and more tuna is what I have to say.

Daisy said...

You must get paid many, many Temptations for your photo shoots. At least FIVE. If you do not get paid, you are right to grab the camera strap and stick out your tongue. No Temptations, No Photos. That is the rule.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Thank you Daisy. I yam vindi-catered by dis comment.

-Dr Tweety

Andree said...

I forgive you ANYTHING because you visited me when I was sick and who can forget that? You are a doll. Bite that strap!

Forty Paws said...

No treats??? Call the HSUS! Call the ASPCA! This is deplorable! Mebbe you can join the Writer's Guild and go on strike! After all, you write a blog!

Luf, Us

Gretchen said...

I'm with you, the camera thing has got to go.


Celly-bratin life in Orry-gone