Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Henry's meme challenge

Henry haz asked uz to play da meme. I'm not reel sure what da meme iz, but I yam going to let my frend Delilah, da grey rat-cat, answer da qwest-tions. Delilah—would you pleaze stop here for a sec, & answer da game qwestionz?

Hi Henry- I am going to answer dese qustions fur Dr Tweety- he's really my uncle, and I want to do him proud:

What is your name? Delilah
4 letter word: dork
Vehicle: da cute Honda Fit
TV Show: ? I only watch da chase scene in Bullet.
City: We live in the country!
Boy Name: Darren
Girl Name: Delilah of course!
Alcoholic Drink: Dewars
Occupation: Debutante
Something you wear: Dress
Celebrity: Debby Boone
Food: Dinner! I hear momee opening up da can!
Something found in a bathroom: drips from da faucet
Reason for being late: dawdling
Cartoon Character: Dilbert
Something You Shout: Dinner!!!!! And it better be chicken!

OK- so Delilah did purty good I tink. We tink da next visitor should do dis game. Visit Henry's Website at: http://www.kingofdowningstreet.blogspot.com
Tell him da Fab Five sent you!


Unknown said...

Oh Delilah, you did a very good job with this meme. It must be really neat to live in the country. I live in a small city, but right in the middle of it. It's nice though. Lots of activity out the windows and such. So, you are a chicken fan. I myself favor tuna. I think it is the best. I actually have never had chicken. My Lady should really get on the ball and bring me some of that stuff home. I hear lots of other kitties talk about it and it makes me jealous that I can't have any.

Daisy said...

Delilah did great! And she is very very beautiful, too.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


Thank you fur da opportunity to do this meme. Yes, we five like da country, and we are lucky that da beans let us out. We live on a cul-de sac where no cars come. But us girlz do have a curfew. Momee makes uz come in by 7:30 pm, every night. Da boyz get to stay out and talk to da moon. That iz why Dr Tweety iz such a good poet. The chicken iz sooo good Henry! You should come ot our houze and try it!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Thank you Daisy.You are sooo petite and cute. I am kinda a big gurl.

Celly-bratin life in Orry-gone