Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuez-day uze your toez day

I yam groomin’ myself to-day, ‘cuz it iz raining dawgz here & dey are BIG dawgz….at least da size of eleph-antz. Momee finally re-lented & let me in when da Miss Marianne waz vizitin’. If da mad Burr-man can be in, den I should be let in too!

But look at da gunk stuck to my furz. What iz dat? I tink I sat on a spider! (Or did it sit down beside me?) & Right in da middle of me compozin’ a love song!

I yam gonna put da finishing touchez on da furz. Dey must be nice & floofy before I askz a new frend out fur tuna. (Ahem, Mini, are you lookin’?)

Now dat I got dat ugly ting off, I tink I will play da piano on momeez pants & da furry nice sofa throw. Oh- I lovez to play da piano. An itty-bitty ode to da nice & full-figgured Mini!


The Crew said...

Why Tweety, we had no idea you were sweet on Mini. She's a lovely girl.

Have you sent her a poem or some flowers to let her know you're interested?


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh no, not yet I hazn't. I yam a bit shy still. But I will workz up my nerve. I did talk to Pepi about dis & he will not stop me from askin fur a tuna date wit his sister.

Unknown said...

Dr. Tweety, you are so cute and funny!

Yes, I was over at Dorydoo's birthday party earlier today. Isn't it fun! I had some cat nip and rolled all around like a nut. I will try to go over later too - see you there!

Unknown said...

Hey Tweety, come on over the Dorydoo's party and play tent warrrrs with us! It's at Chairman Mao's blog. You can come over to my place to get the link if you don't know what it is.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Tanks Henry. We went back to Dorydoo's fur a minute. You iz a good pal to help me.

Samantha & Mom said...

Tweety, I am so sorry, I was to put Delilah into the TGH Gang and I forgot. If it is okay, I will just use information from your blog and pictures to do it. Please let me know by leaving a comment on the TGH and I will do it asap. If you know her birthday and or Gotcha day, please leave that for me to. Thank you.
Your Fl frurind,
Smanatha, TGH Reporter

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh I kinda feel bad Dr. Tweety. Mom was so bizzy I couldn't get on the computer til now. You look very handsum after all that grooming. You have nice floofy furs. Did I hear something about tuna???

Kimo and Sabi said...

You gotted nice furs!

Daisy said...

Oh Dr. Tweety, how sweet! You are a very gentlemanly cat to get the spiders out of your furs so you look nice for Mini.

Dorydoo said...

Oh, you and Mini would make a lovely couple. Pawesome!!

Thank you for coming to my party and helping to make my birthday the best one I've ever had!

Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

Celly-bratin life in Orry-gone