Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Uh oh! It's dread-lox time

Evfurry Spring, us long haired floofy catz (espeshully Persian types) can gets dread-lox. Dis iz cuz we iz sheddin' likes mad & cuz da rain gets in dere & da spit gets in dere & den it all mats upee. & I don't likes to be groomed exceptee fur da top of my head...so I makes da momee & da dadee puts off da process. You can see what went on at our housee on Sunday!

It looks like da jig iz up cuz somebuddy gots dis new Zoom Groom ting. "Momee?"
Well, it's not too bad I guessee. It kind of scritchez nicely.
Yikes! "Dadee, watch dat...you justee abouts pulled my earzez right off my head!!! Doez you wants an earless cat?"
Delilah joins in: "Uh...is it my turn yet???"
"Fur crime-ninnyz sake dadee! Can'tcha slow dat ting down???"
Nuttin I say makes any imp-presshun on dadee today. He iz on a blind mission to de-hareify me!
Since I yam a doctor, I will triez to be clinny-cull abouts dis. See da dread-lox? It iz stuck to my thigh. I haz anudder one on da other side. But to gets dem offee, da dadee haz to uze da fur scissorz. Da fur scissorz makes it so dat da dadee wont's cut my skin. If he did, I would has to whap him good.
Dis dread-lox iz huge. So I yam gonna be a messee fur awhile.
Delilah again: "Can I help Uncle Dr Tweety? Uh, your fur is falling out! Better do something quick!"
"Delilah...justee back off you itty-bitty poppet! Can'ts you see I yam in a bit of a pre-dickymint?"
Delilah: "Well now that it is all over with, let me bitey those implements of torture for you Uncle!"
Delilah: "See how I take care of you Uncle Dr Tweety?"

"Oh sure Delilah. Did you SEE da BIG GINORMOUS holezez in my furz???"

Da moral of da story to you Persianz: Don'ts let da beanz see your dread-lox. Mine were doin' justee fine before any buddy dis-covered dem.


Daisy said...

I never knew about dreadlocks before. I kind of wish I could grow some, myself.

Dr. Tweety, the expressions on your face are priceless!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Dreadlocks sound dreadful. We're glad that the Zoom Groom works for you ... We don't like ours much.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Be glad someone loves you enough to groom you. Those areas grow bigger and they pull at your skin. They are downright PAINFUL! And then you would have to be shaved.

Charlotte said...
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Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey Dr T, does the Zoom Groom thing work well on us long haired kitty? I get these dreadlocks too and I honestly dread them. Last time SS pinched some of my skin off while cutting those clumps and the area got infected and I ended up have granualation tissue and had to visit the vet. I get these a lot on my butt and at times elsewhere. Last spring/summer I had to have a hair cut (my first). Winter is coming and the hair is groooowing!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

OH I know how that goes. Momma has been brushing me like mad but sometimes I still vomit more than usual.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


ABouts dat Zoom Groom ting. It haz BIG teef, so it iz not furry effective fur detanglun da dread-lox. It feelz good fur massage & it gets some of loose furzez, but da momee sez dat a comb wit itty-bitty teef iz better fur untanglun.

I also got cutted one time from da momee, so now da dadee doez it wi da fur scissorz. Dey iz speshul & curved & haz a guard so dat dey do nots cut skin. But dat iz what da beanzez say..not me!!!

One time I had to be shaved at Petco!!! Dis waz awful em-bare-assin'. Dat waz when da momee said from now on, I has to get dem off. But I still hates to be groomed exceptee on my back & head.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for that Dr T! Yes, we already have a small-tooth comb and I dislike it +++++. SS has to hide it everytime she finishes combing me with it because I would attack the comb once her back is turned. When I am in a bad mood or after a particularly gruesome session of untangling I would attack her feetsies as well. Like you, I only tolerate head and back brushing. The trials of being a long-haired kitty.......

I can't imagine anyone mistreating and starving such a cute and beautiful kitty like you. How horrible!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Oh what instruments of touture your beans bestowed on you! Did you give them the bitey or a nice whack?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

haha Dr. Tweety, yer face told the whole story.Yer dad wuz grooming you so fast his hand wuz a blur. We love our Zoom Groom, it gives a great massage. I shed loads and the Zoom Groom really works furr me, but I hafn't got long furrs like you.I don't get nearly so many hairballs now.

Boy said...

Dweadwocks! They're cool! Why do the beans have to interfere?

Anyway, I tagged you for a meme! Go see!

MaoMao said...

Dreadlockies -- hehe! I'm sorry you get those, Dr. Tweety! Bein a big floofy mancat, you and Brainball's got somethin in kommon -- Brainball gets what Momma calls fuzzwads. Most of 'em come right out with brushin but sometimes Brainball gets big ol mats and he gotted that great big one that Momma and Daddy hadded to shave his back for -- he wasn't happy about that, but he's much bettur now that his furs have started growin back. he's got peach fuzz on his butt!

Zoom Grooms are purretty kool -- Momma uses one on alla us Ballicai. Dorydoo isn't crazy about it, Brainball likes it if Daddy's the one who grooms him, I like it OK but try to play with it like it's a toy, and Marilyn LOVES it.

Hang in there, Dr. Tweety! Brainball sends his symmpathies!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, I am glad I don't get the dreadlocks. You are very cool about the whole process though, Dr. T.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

catsynth said...

Wow, that is some serious floofiness in that first photo.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

In appreciation of the Chix-hen feasts I have an awardie for you. Please come to my blog and get it.

Willow said...

Uh oh, the dreadlocks don't look good for you long-haired kitties... I have my blue zoom groom just like you but with my short furs, I don't get any dreadlock matting.

Purrrrrrs, Willow

Kimo and Sabi said...

Dreads are kinda popular these days - whut's da fuss about!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You handle getting brushed much better than I do. I always put the bitey on the brush!

Anonymous said...

Dread lox do not look like much fun at all. You were very good to put up with your Dad grooming you. Bouncie does not like to be groomed either but Mom and Dad do it anyway!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the grooming.Yet don't worry your still cute :)

Scout said...

That does not like sound like a single bit of fun having dreadlocks!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a lot of tools! You still look quite floofy....and handsome. Dreadlocks can be bad for cats.....and the ones that my sister had, were stinky! I am very feminine and don't have any dreadlocks....ever.

meemsnyc said...

It's always nice to get a good grooming from the beans! Lucky you!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Wowww.. dreadlocks~!!!!
You have lots of lots of furrr~~~ Really~!!!!!
Your bean is doing very good job on grooming you both!

Sunny's Mommy said...

The only problem with dreadlocks is they get HUGE. I'm glad your Daddy took care of them before they got really big :-0

admin said...

OMG, you guys so expressive....hmmm, dreadlocks? what's that? is that problem on you long-haired guys....yeahhh we always stay short haired, so we never know how does it feel & experience any long-haired like you....but your long-haired is so gorgeous:)

Tybalt said...

Good advice, Tweety! I'll keep a sharp lookout now.

SophieKitty said...

I love my Zoom Groom. To me, it feels like getting a massage.

Anonymous said...

Mar gets dread locks really bad! He just went to the groomers the other day. The Lady and Senor sometimes let it go until it is a problem that they can't fix at home. It doesn't help that Mar hates to be brushed. You can only do a bit at a time. He will sink his teeth into them if they don't stop when he wants them to.

Mickey's Musings said...

I never had dreadlocks! I also love,love,love to be brushed!!! I love my Zoom Groom. But I have short hair. I hope it is not too painful having to get your furs cut :o But you look mighty fine now :) !!
Purrs Mickey

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh Dr Tweety, I'm glad all your furs didn't have to get groomed away. I'll sneak out some tuna and bring it to you for being so brave.

Unknown said...

Dr. Tweety, you had some big dreadlocks! It looks like you sat very patiently when your Dad got them out, when my Mum brushes me I always try to snatch the hair away from her and eat it : )

My Dear Maximillian,
I hope the Burmese Security Council isn't working you too hard, make sure you get enough rest. I miss you and can't wait for our wonderful trip.

Celly-bratin life in Orry-gone