Since I yam a doctor, I am gonna egg-splayn what’s happenin’ wit da momee.
She got’s a funny nee… it ackshoelly iz a bum nee. (?! Iz dat a wabbit dat’s been for-clozed on??)
Anywayz (sorree fur da bad pun) she haz some bad joints all thru her, & dis week, da nee gots a parshul tear in da medial collateral lig-a-mint.
Oofdah! See da pic bee-low.
She got’s a funny nee… it ackshoelly iz a bum nee. (?! Iz dat a wabbit dat’s been for-clozed on??)
Anywayz (sorree fur da bad pun) she haz some bad joints all thru her, & dis week, da nee gots a parshul tear in da medial collateral lig-a-mint.
Oofdah! See da pic bee-low.

Dis meanz dat she iz hobblin’ on her cane fur a cupole of weeksez & we will be lucky to haz her so much az open a can of toona den let alone cooks a tur-key.
But, if I yam a lucky boy, da dadee iz gonna go gets da tur-key in da store & den da momee will stix it in da oevfun. It can’t takes two neez to cooks a tur-key, can it?
C’mon momee, gets wit da program!
But, if I yam a lucky boy, da dadee iz gonna go gets da tur-key in da store & den da momee will stix it in da oevfun. It can’t takes two neez to cooks a tur-key, can it?
C’mon momee, gets wit da program!
"Oh" your poor mom.I'm sending her gentle healing hugs and soft purrrs.
I hope that your person starts feeling better. You know if she needs help, acupuncture is a great pain reliever and is great for knees!
Your poor mommy! Those insuries need so much patience. I hope you're helping her when she gets stressed out about it! Healing purrs from us too with the best getting well wishes. Siena
Oh that looks a painful knee! We hope your Mum isn't in too much pain and your Dad does all the cookin'!
That does not sound fun at all. Poor Mommy! Sending her out some healing {{purrs}}.
At least you have a doc in the house! ;)
Purrs, The Sumac Felines
Oh your poor Mommy!
Your poor mum. We hope her knee soon gets better. Our mum is hobbling too cuz one of the horsies jumped, yep jumped, not stepped, on her foot and now she can't take us for walks.
I hope your mom gets better soon! If you want, I can start studying my Milton-Bradley Operation home study course so I can do surgery if necessary.
Oh no! I'm so sorry your Mommie's bum knee is worse now with this new, very bad, injury. I think your Daddie should be in charge of heating up the turkey dinner. And all of you can help him wash the dishes by licking them clean ;-)
We hope your mommi feels better soon with her bum nee. I am sure between you and Daisy you''ll have her fixed in no time.
I am sending her purrs. Yes, I am not too sick to purr!!
Oh dear, I hope your mom's nees gets better soon! But I agree, cooking turkeys doesn't require nees, so I hope you guys get plenty of turkeys!
My goodness, dear Dr.! I'm so sorry your mom's knee has given way..and at such a terrible time. I am sure it does NOT take two knees to cook a turkey, just a turkey and the oven, and really only the turkey is absolutely necessary. We cats can eat it raw..since we're carnivores! Don't you think...oh, well, maybe we should have it cooked. But that's what dads are for!
Delilah, darlin', when you've a moment or two, won't you 'port over and sit in front of my mom's new fireplace with me?
Oh dr. dat go splay-nin. Dat mus be painful fur da mom bean. Yoo tell dat daddeh him can use his nees an make dat tur-key. dat right. :)
ouch! i am so sorry your mommy is owie. i hope she gets all better soon...so she can make your turkey and feeds you and stuff.
we'll purr she gets all better soon!
Like seeing your bloggings and mostly pretty kitty pix.
Emmylou-camping cat
Does the kittyz ever git to the ocean??? Cureeuss!
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