

Ack-shoelly, I justee wanted to showz off my Cally0for-kneeuh cuzzinz. Dat firstee pix iz da D-A-W-G Miss Emily… she iz a snoozin’ on her nice bed after da pic sesshun. She iz kinda old & grumpy, but she lovez her momee & protects her from intruderz.
Den doze catsez are my cuzzinz Rawleigh & Zsa Zsa.
Rawleigh waz a reskew cat who showed up at da Auntie Mignon’s house & he waz such a big lovea-bull ball of floof dats she tooks him in. Zsa Zsa iz da smokey grey Floofy Queen of da housee. Now she & Rawleigh iz enjoyin’ bein’ brudder & sister az long az dey both gets der wayz. (I yam not sure how dat works egg-zactly, but I guesse dey haz it all figured out.)
Den doze catsez are my cuzzinz Rawleigh & Zsa Zsa.
Rawleigh waz a reskew cat who showed up at da Auntie Mignon’s house & he waz such a big lovea-bull ball of floof dats she tooks him in. Zsa Zsa iz da smokey grey Floofy Queen of da housee. Now she & Rawleigh iz enjoyin’ bein’ brudder & sister az long az dey both gets der wayz. (I yam not sure how dat works egg-zactly, but I guesse dey haz it all figured out.)
We enjoyed meeting your cousins. Thank you for introducing us. ~S,S & C
We're very pleased to meet your cuzzins Dr.Tweety.
Thank you for introducing us to your cuzzins Dr Tweety. They are lovely.
Thanks for showing us your nice cousins!
Hi!!! Happy to meet your cuzz. You can all come for a niptini or something stronger. I noticed something nice from gran's cupboard
Oh, meeting the family. That's always interesting. We don't have any cousins. Oh, wait, we have one woofie cousin.
Awww their all cutie's."Tag" your it please go to my blog and see :)
Oh, your cousins are very cute - and floofy. Exept for Emily of course! Floofy I mean. NOT floofy. Ahh, I hope you understand what I mean. ; )
Purrs, Siena
What very nice cousin's you have, Dr. Tweety. Neither of them are a patch on my Delilah, tho'.
Hi, Delilah! I'm sending you a long distance snorgle behind your ear!
It is nice to meet your cousins! Thanks for sharing these pictures!
It's nice that you shared some pictures of your cousins...
I think it was grand to meet your cousins!
It's nice to meet all of you!
We enjoyed meeting your cousins but at first we were scairt that your beans had snuck a dog in your house!
Auntie Stinkie we are thinking about you a lot today, the first week without Bouncie. We are going to come over and snuggle with you if that is okay.
Lucy & Trixie
Your cousins look like very sweet beasties. *waves* to them and purrs to you
I love meeting your cousins!
Nice pictures - you have some great relatives! :)
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